Lit House实习生

勤工助学 & 实习

勤工助学 & 实习

文学 House offers a variety of competitive, on-campus internships that are open to all interested 8590海洋之神官网 students. 的 Lit House也提供有限的 number of positions for students who qualify for 联邦半工半读的, through the Office 财政援助.




的se are two to four non-credit-bearing, paid positions for students eligible for 联邦半工半读的. Students assist the Literary House administrative staff with programming 以及文书工作. Students help supervise 和 coordinate the first floor, 和 keep the Lit House open for evening study hours. 良好的写作能力,反应迅速,理解力强 of responsibility, 和 love of the arts are required. 学生必须能够工作 well with others 和 warmly welcome all people to the Lit House. 

应用: 请提交申请 & resume through the job listing on Paycom here.


飞马座的 实习

的se are three to five optional-credit, paid internships that run from early fall 直到春季学期结束. 飞马座的 Interns work up to 10 hours/week 和 curate 8590海洋之神官网’s multi-media, electronic yearbook, 飞马座的. 飞马座的 Interns also photograph events at the Literary House 和 write occasional 博客文章.

Photography skills 和 schedule flexibility are preferred. 良好的写作和沟通能力 技能是必须的. Adobe Photoshop 和 In设计 experience are desirable, but can 通过在职培训实现. 飞马座的 Interns work at 的 Rose O’Neill Literary House 和 report to the Advisor. 二年级的学生, juniors, 和 seniors are especially 鼓励申请.

应用: 请提交申请 & resume through the job listing on Paycom.


社交媒体 & 市场营销助理

This is an optional-credit, paid internship that runs early fall through the end of 春季学期. 市场营销 助理 works 10 hours/week 和 assists with 各种社交媒体 & marketing projects promoting the programs 和 publications of 的 Rose O’Neill Literary House, the Literary House Press, 和 樱桃树. 的se projects will include developing 和 publishing regular social media content, creating a monthly e-mail newsletter, 和 assisting in the development of various marketing campaigns for new publications, among other things.

良好的写作和沟通能力 技能是必须的. 熟练使用社交媒体平台 such as 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram, 和 Tumblr are required. 熟悉Adobe In设计 is desirable, but can 通过在职培训实现. 市场营销 助理 works at 的 Rose O’Neill Literary House 和 reports to the Administrative 助理. 

应用请提交申请 & resume through the job listing on Paycom.


8590海洋之神官网评论 实习

《8590海洋之神官网评论》 was reborn in 2017 as a digital magazine that celebrates excellent writing emerging from the 4 requirements of the 8590海洋之神官网 writing program: W1 (First-Year Seminars), W2 (courses), W3 (writing in the major), 和 W4 (高级顶点经验). Two WCR editorial interns will work with a faculty advisory board that includes the Directors of Writing 和 of the Literary House.

We invite applications for 3 student internships: 总编辑: 主编,媒体副主编 & 设计. 的se are optional-credit, paid internships that run fromyear-round. WCR实习生 each work 10 hours/week to curate, edit, 和 design 《8590海洋之神官网评论》, the digital liberal arts magazine of our academic writing program.   

良好的写作和沟通能力 技能是必须的, as are proofreading skills 和 a 非常注重细节. Editing 和 digital media experience are desirable, but can 通过在职培训实现. WCR实习生在Rose O 'Neill酒店工作 Literary House 和 report to the Director of Writing (Dr. 肖恩Meehan). 二年级的学生, juniors, 和 seniors are especially 鼓励申请. 

应用请提交申请 & resume through the job listing on Paycom.



的se are optional-credit, paid internships (8-weeks; 35-hours per week). 文学 House Summer Interns assist with design, editing, 和 marketing projects as well as assist with summer events such as the 樱桃树 Young Writers’ Conference, Publications Boot Camp, 和 with other administrative tasks that arise.

Good organizational skills, excellent communication skills, a collaborative working 精神和合作是必须的. 的 Summer Interns work at 的 Rose O’Neill Literary House 和 report to the Associate Director 和 Director. 

应用: 请提交申请 & resume through the job listing on Paycom.



的se are non-credit-bearing, paid internships that run during the 樱桃树 Young 七月中旬的作家大会. Between two 和 ten Interns are selected to be part 会议的主席. 的 Interns are involved in all aspects 会议的主席, including attending panels, readings, 和 workshops. 的y mentor the high school students enrolled in the Conference 和 participate in a special Interns & 员工阅读.

必须对创意写作感兴趣. Students with experience as RAs or Peer Mentors 特别鼓励申请吗. 的 Conference Interns work at 的 Rose O’Neill Literary House 和 report to the Literary House staff. 这些职位是全职的 并且会从 2021年7月13日至7月17日We will not be accepting applications for the 2021 Conference.


请提交申请 & resume through the job listing on Paycom.


樱桃树 生产实习

This is an optional-credit, paid internship that runs during the fall semester. 的 樱桃树 Production Intern works a total of 30-40 hours as needed 和 assists in the design 和 layout of an issue of the literary journal, with light proofreading 和 inputting 作者证明的变化也是如此.

需要有Adobe In设计经验. Well-honed organizational 和 time-management 技能是必须的. Preference will be given to previous Literary House Press Interns. 的 Production Intern works at 的 Rose O’Neill Literary House 和 reports to the 副主任.

应用: 请提交申请 & resume through the job listing on Paycom.