smallest hero 图像

Students can earn credit while gaining valuable experience. 将近一半的心理学专业(和80%的临床咨询专业) complete at least one internship.

  • 与当地私立学校的定期合作让实习生有机会帮助年轻人 people meet their potential. 心理学 interns can assist special education teachers 在课堂上,发挥社交技能训练的作用,指导学生发展认知能力 skills, 和 work with speech-language therapists.
  • 一些实习生担任夏令营辅导员,目标是解决行为, emotional 和 intellectual challenges across the lifespan. Interns develop 和 lead activities while applying principles of behavioral management.
  • 在住院部和门诊部从事心理治疗工作 disorders, interns gain an array of traditional clinical skills. Common responsibilities 是否与客户互动,遵守入院预约,共同领导治疗/活动 groups, 和 helping write behavioral notes.
  • 在指导咨询、人力资源、 职业咨询,学前教育/护理,成人医疗日托,职业 therapy, school psychology, 和 health psychology/athletic training. 

Make connections from the classroom to real-world


获得宝贵的现场经验,这可以充实你的简历,提高你的能力 chances of graduate school admission

Build confidence 和 a sense of professional identity

Strengthen communication 和 problem-solving skills

Develop a deeper underst和ing of various aspects of 心理学

1. Community interns 在大切斯特敦社区实习期间获得实习时间 学期(或在他们的家乡在夏天)通过帮助别人在不同的能力
2. Social media interns 创建Instagram帖子(@washcoll_counseling),并开发其他形式的媒体 educate about 和 inspire overall wellness.
3. Wellness Advocacy Coaches (WACs) promote proactive ways to thrive in college 和 beyond. They offer individual student 支持并发挥作用,为更广泛的人制定健康外展方案 campus community.

心理学实习(PSY 490)有两个部分:健康部分和 a community section. 

Students cannot sign up for PSY 490 through Self Service. Advance planning is needed 确保有一个适合你的位置,为你提供一个有意义的 learning experience. Contact Professor Littlefield if you are interested in an on-campus internship (Wellness Advocacy Coaching; Social Media) or an off-campus community placement.  

  • Wellness 实习健康实习课程是一个两学分的校园实习课程 fall 和 spring. 它包括社交媒体实习生和健康倡导教练. (See descriptions under the “3 Main Types of 实习.”) It is not uncommon for 学生可以在连续的学期中重复这门课程,以达到允许的最大值 amount of 8 internship credits.

    The student list for Wellness 实习 is by permission only. Prior to the course 报名期间,有兴趣的大三、大四学生可联系Littlefield教授 regarding their interest in this course. Sophomores may occasionally be considered 也. Dr. 利特尔菲尔德将最终的学生名单直接提交给教务处 办公室. 
  • Community 实习该实习课程可获得2个学分(每学期70学时)或4个学分 学分(140小时/学期),包括所有在社区实习的实习生. 社区实习生是与网站匹配或找到一个网站来完成的学生 校外时间由在…设施工作的主管指导 选择. 

    每年春天在美国,社区实习生在他们的第一次实习安排中每周作为一个小组见面 每个实习生在课堂和校外的综合工作都获得一个字母等级 小时.  

    Each summer 和 fall在美国,社区实习生将与海洋之神590网址(Washington College)的一名教师导师配对 给他们的现场主管),他们的工作以及格/不及格为基础进行评分. 通常情况下, summer interns are living too far away for face-to-face meetings. As a general rule, 秋季实习生在他们的第二次或第三次实习中注册. 

    Registration steps for community internships:

    1) Locate a place you want to intern. Refer to “Common psychology internship sites” 的想法. 其他找到实习机会的方法是通过个人关系或同事 参观职业发展中心,了解更广阔的可能性.  

    2) Share your ideas with Dr. Littlefield to be sure that the experience you are seeking can count for 心理学 Internship credit. If it is not a regular placement, we will 需要了解你作为实习生的角色和联系方式 information for your likely onsite supervisor.

    3)你通常会与潜在的现场主管和/或代理人进行面试 参观球场,确保比赛对各方都有利.

    一旦你找到了一份你认为与你的兴趣和兴趣相匹配的工作 你有足够的时间来完成课程要求和注册流程吗 begins by signing up for the experience in H和shake.

    5)完成特定站点的任何要求,例如医学测试和背景 checks, as soon as possible. Also, follow-up to check that you are registered for the course before the semester starts. 
  • Chestertown Physical Therapy Services Inc.
  • Early Childhood Learning Centers (various locations)
  • 加内特小学(与需要额外支持的孩子一起工作)
  • Kent County Adult Medical Daycare
  • Psychiatric day programs, such as Arundel Lodge, Inc. 和 Crossroads Community Center.
  • Radcliffe Creek School (special education)
  • Sheppard Pratt Hospital (various wards)
  • 演讲 语言病理学,学校心理学,和职业治疗的工作 various locations
  • Summer camps 和 training for the behaviorally disturbed, such as ABA2Day Behavior Services, Easterseals Camp Fairlee, Camp Ramapo, 和 营Wediko.
  • Survivor advocacy 和 support, such as For All Seasons 和 转变
  • 怀依河高中(高中生团体社交技能训练)

Internship Spotlight


Placement: Kent County Adult Medical Daycare

“通过了解这家机构的客户,我对这些症状有了更多的认识 以及各种精神状况和身体残疾的危害,包括痴呆症, autism, epilepsy, 和 paraplegia, 也 as how to navigate them. With frequent interaction, 我已经熟悉了客户的日常生活,了解了他们的喜好 不喜欢. 谈话(和计划好的娱乐活动)通常具有治疗作用 为客户 . . . 在肯特县成人医疗日托中心的工作让我坚定了决心 从事医疗保健方面的工作,最好是有社会交往的 病人."

杰克 Goembel的23


Placement: National Alliance on Mental Illness

通过在全国精神疾病联盟(NAMI)的社区实习, 16岁的Ceara Scanlon学会了为患有各种精神疾病的同龄人倡导 health diagnoses.

这次实习为塞拉提供了宝贵的心理健康实践经验 advocacy, serving her well in pursuit of a future career in this field. 

Ceara Scanlon ’16



Wellness Advocacy Coaching

8590海洋之神官网健康倡导教练(Washington College Wellness Advocacy Coaching,简称WAC-squared)于2021年推出 学生有机会成为心理健康教练和同伴的倡导者 学生. 

健康倡导教练(WACs)接受过心理健康急救方面的培训,并获得直接指导 experience providing it to peer 学生. WACs are an essential part of frontline mental health support on our campus.