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    World Languages and Cultures

    世界语言和文化系将帮助你为你的角色做好准备 in the world after college, whatever, and wherever, that might be. Our graduates pursue 成功的职业生涯在不同的领域:(国际)教育,新闻,社会 服务、商业、(国际)商业、经济、政府、法律、(国际) law, and applied and theoretical sciences.

    我们的课程为您在21世纪的全球社区中生活和工作做好准备. 我们的专家教授会给你强大的工具与人沟通 around the world. But you will also experience language and culture firsthand. At 在8590海洋之神官网,你可以学习如何跳弗拉门戈舞,边喝咖啡边用法语聊天 和羊角面包,包饺子,品尝德国咖喱香肠,同时了解它 history.

    Our Programs

    The Department of World Languages & Cultures offers four majors: French Studies, German Studies, Hispanic Studies, and International Literatures and Cultures. 我们也提供法语,德语和西班牙语研究的未成年人,并提供指导 in Chinese.

    We offer both a major and minor in French Studies.


    We offer both a major and minor in German Studies.


    We offer both a major and minor in Hispanic Studies.


    We offer a major in International Literatures and Cultures.


    We currently offer courses through the 200-level in Chinese language.


    中级语言技能微证书可以在一门或多门课程中学习 of the following languages: Chinese, French, German, and Spanish. This micro-credential 旨在教授学生语言技能-说,读,听,和 writing—through an intermediate-level proficiency.  


    Student Opportunities

    我们有很多出国留学的机会,有特定语言的荣誉社团,奖项,以及 其他学生的机会为世界语言和文化的学生提供 plenty of chances to expand their learning outside the classroom.


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    Language Requirement

    作为他们毕业分配要求的一部分,所有海洋之神590网址 学生必须完成一门或两门外语课程,这取决于他们的专业 placement level.

    所有新生和转学生都必须参加语言调查,如果适用, a placement exam to determine their level.

    More About the Language Requirement


    1. 通过对信息的认识,教会学生收集和分析信息 power of language in its many contexts
    2. 为学生提供有效的写、说及沟通的语言训练 in a foreign language
    3. 促进跨文化交际能力,使学生认识到相互之间的联系 了解我们世界的复杂性,并有效地跨越不同的文化界限

    We stress a communicative approach to language learning. In our classes, you will 学习一门活生生的语言的四项基本技能:如何读、写、听、 and speak. You will also learn about culture and history through your language study. 根据你学习的课程,你的语言能力可能会有所不同,但所有华盛顿 大学生将至少达到中等低熟练程度 (based on ACTFL guidelines) in all four skills.


    所有海洋之神590网址的学生都必须完成语言要求. 为了确保所有学生得到一致的待遇,每个学生都必须参加 language placement test (which can be found in WebAdvisor). If the student decides 要继续WAC的分班考试语言,他们必须注册 the course indicated by the test.

     There are some special cases to consider:

    1. 学生也可以通过从其他专业转学分来满足语言要求 经世界语言及文化副主席批准后.

    2. 能说、读、写一门非英语母语的学生有英语能力 经世界语文副主席批准后,可选择豁免该要求 and Cultures.

    3. Native Speakers cannot register in HPS 302 or FRS 302, a conversational level. 在其余的课程中,教师将确定母语人士是否在英语中 in the correct class and can move the student to a more appropriate level.

    Very Important: We strongly recommend that students complete the Language Requirement in the first two years of instruction. Otherwise, they may find that the class they need is not offered, preventing them from graduating. 在特殊情况下,部门认为改变工作安排是适当的, the placement will only be lowered by one level.  Should the student still feel uncomfortable with their placement, they may start a new language at the 101 level.

    Even if you have never studied a language, you must take the language survey. 
    要访问语言调查,请登录Webadvisor并点击“学生” menu. Under “Miscellaneous options,” click on “Placement Survey and Test.” 
    • 对于开始学习一门新语言的学生或101或102级的学生:2分 semesters in the new or placement language.
    • 对于法语、德语、中文或西班牙语成绩达到200级或以上的学生: one semester of study.
    • 在大学先修课程考试中取得4分或5分的学生已经满意 this requirement.
    • 说、读、写非英语母语的学生可以满足要求 this requirement with that language pending approval from the Associate Chair of World Languages and Cultures.
    • 学生提供适当的文件,使他们有资格学习外语 substitution may be allowed to substitute two pre-approved courses to satisfy this requirement.

    Language Requirement FAQs

    在你被8590海洋之神官网录取后,你会找到学习指南 the foreign language exam in your New Students Canvas page. You will take the placement exam online. You will need the login and password that were assigned to you on the Canvas page. After you finish the exam, you will see your placement score and the level in which it is most appropriate for you to enroll.


    你的学术顾问会拿到你的分数线,并确定 you are enrolled in the appropriate course. Alternately, you can check your language placement level on your Advising Summary Sheet on Student Planning.


    我们非常重视分班,并坚信我们的考试是准确的. Occasionally students feel they are in the wrong class. First, it is important to allow yourself 在急于做出改变之前,需要一些时间来适应大学水平的语言课程. 如果在上课后,你认为你被错误地安排了,你应该 speak to your instructor. They will be best able to assess your progress to that point in the class. Students often perceive problems when in reality they are simply adjusting to the expectations. If you and your instructor decide that you should be in a different 然后,你应该和你的导师和系主任谈谈 of World Languages and Cultures so that appropriate measures can be taken.


    你不需要参加分班考试,因为你将从一门新的语言开始. You should enroll in the language of your choice at the 101 level.


    You should enroll in a new language at the 101-level.


    如果你在考试中得了4或5分,你将获得大学学分和你的语言 requirement will be complete. However, if you plan to continue your study of that 语言,你仍然应该参加分班考试,并注册在适当的水平 of language based on your score.


    如果你在考试中得了4或5分,你将获得大学学分和你的语言 requirement will be complete.


    We welcome you to do so! Please enroll in the language of your choice at the 101-level. 但为了我们的记录,我们还是希望你能参加安置调查 你在高中学习的语言的分班考试如果那门语言是 Chinese, French, Spanish, or German. If you change your mind later we will know where you should be placed.
    Please go to the Office of Academic Skills website for further information
    Please refer to the student’s record in Student Planning.